Saturday, March 24, 2007

Answering the Question

Earlier on, I have opened an issue.
This time, I will answer the questions I have earlier posed.

What are the roles of engineers in transforming our society?

Before and always, foundationally, engineers are mainly concerned with the production profession. In the past, the role engineers have taken to transform society has always been centered on purely technical expertise – process handling, infrastructure development, corporation employment. This is largely limited, society being transformed in the third or fourth hand link of the chain.

What are the significant contributions of engineers in forming and transforming our society?

Before and always, foundationally, engineers mainly contribute in the field of the production profession. In the past, the contribution engineers have made to transform society has always been centered purely on technical expertise – process handling, infrastructure development, research, education. This is enormously indirect, society being benefited in the third or fourth link of chain.


NOW, however, engineers are becoming more equipped AND more involved, and more courageous in venturing into more active roles in leadership within the society we live and move in. This in itself is like one step for man, a giant leap for mankind.

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